All items are from Ukraine.
100% of your purchase price will go to the capital campaign for the Ukraine Institute of Traumatherapy.
Since we work with artisans in country, our inventory is low and always changing! Check back often and дуже дякую (thank you so much!)
The date is approaching fast and we’re counting on you to help us make our goal of $41,819 to finish the pre-building costs for our first UIT building
At IMHC, our mission is to provide education and resources to support mental health and wellness in our community.
Light & hot pink abstract Ukrainian symbol
Ukrainian quilt made of images of war & peace
Ukrainian passport
Ukrainian woman hand painted on a canvas tote bag
Ukrainian flag and symbol; velcro backing
Ukrainian fighter telling off the Russian battleship in famous incident from beginning ofthe war
Ukrainian woman/angel floating with the Ukrainian Dream airplane
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Please specify XS, S, M, L, XL and color in order
Please specify XS, S, M, L, XL and color in order
Please specify XS, S, M, L, XL and color in order
Please make a donation through our PayPal account and send an email with the specific item you want to
Your support enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
IMHC EIN: 82-2270159
7 Chystyakivska St., Office 75, Kyiv, Ukraine * P. O. Box 523 • Alexandria VA 22314
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed