The Ukraine Institute of Traumatherapy is a partnership between IMHC, the UIT Charitable Fund and Ukraine Institute of Traumatherapy, LLC. (see below)
It will be a state-of-the-art, first of its kind rehabilitation center for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, created to restore Ukrainian military, veterans and civilians for health and well-being.
We will focus on Ukrainian military servicemembers rehabilitation and their return to active service as well as veterans and their families with healing and adaptation back to civilian life.
IMHC is responsible for the U.S.-based fundraising, consulting and strategic planning of the building of UIT campus.
Once UIT is built it will partner with UIT LLC in the education, research and programs directly related to patient care, as well. as promoting the best practices and evidence-based research that will result from UIT.
In Ukraine, nonprofit organizations and charitable funds. function a bit differently than in the U.S.
UIT-CF can raise funds for the capital campaign and coordinate with IMHC on the campaign, but cannot provide the programs & services once the building is complete.
The Ukraine Institute of Traumatherapy, LLC is the for-profit company that will be allowed to run UIT once it is complete and accept fees for services. UIT will provide services on a sliding scale based on patients' ability to pay.
UIT is committed to offering free services to military and veterans, which will be handled by UIT-CF.
UIT will be a training and research center focused on best practices and education of the next generation of clinicians providing world-class trauma care. UIT staff will train medical and mental health professionals, conduct research and test treatments & techniques - with the goal of becoming a global leader in war related trauma therapy.
It will be an innovative place where
science, technology and humanity are combined
to ensure every Ukrainian affected by war trauma
has the opportunity to heal and lead a resilient life.
UIT staff will train mental health professionals, validate evidence-based treatment approaches and techniques in Ukraine. Our goal is to become a leader in traumatherapy and training provider in Ukraine that will share our knowledge with professionals around the world. Our multidisciplinary team will include psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals, neurology, addiction specialists, nurses and chaplains to provide wholistic and integrated care.
During last two years, we have provided almost 25,000 direct clinical hours of counseling with 2,419 clients - but this is just a drop in the bucket. The Russian aggression and war against Ukraine, for over a decade since the first incursion into Crimea in 2014, has led to thousands needing assistance. Ukrainian government and UN estimates put the potential number of veterans at 3 million. Tens of thousands of civilians are in need of physical and mental health services to heal from war trauma.
The critical need for a permanent UIT complex is now.
Join our capital campaign to build a state-of-the-art complex that will provide comprehensive, holistic, trauma-informed care to military, veterans, & civilians profoundly impacted by the on-going war. The first building will provide in-patient and out-patient treatment, as well as administrative offices.
Invest today in the future of hope & healing in Ukraine.
IMHC, Inc. is a U.S. based non-profit organization with offices in Virginia and Ukraine:
Chesapeake, VA ~ 513-519-1423
Alexandria, VA ~ 571-259-0110
US address: P. O. Box 523
Alexandria, VA 22314
US email:
Kyiv, Ukraine
571-259-0110 * +38 (097) 750-22-57
Ukraine address: 7 Chystyakivska Street, Office 75, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ukraine email:
IMHC EIN: 82-2270159
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
...With Gratitude, The Journey To Hope and Healing Goes On...
IMHC EIN: 82-2270159
7 Chystyakivska St., Office 75, Kyiv, Ukraine * P. O. Box 523 • Alexandria VA 22314
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed